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  • Writer's pictureAbbie Tipler


favourite case of the week - Lyla. ⁠

Lyla presented for pollakiuria and stranguria of fairly acute onset. Ultrasound revealed a cystic structure in the region of the trigone that was causing intermittent urinary outflow obstruction. ⁠

Ureterocoeles are an uncommon cause of bladder outflow obstruction, especially in this age patient. However, exploratory cystotomy confirmed the diagnosis of a ureterocoele. It was large and protruding into the trigone region of the bladder. It had already been ruptured by the foley catheter, so it was simply a matter of dissecting the walls to create a new opening into the bladder. Distally, bladder mucosa was closed over the resected ectopic ureter. ⁠

Lyla recovered well. She is recovering from surgery but also from pyelonephritis which was also likely secondary to the ureterocele. ⁠

She is now continent with no urinary outflow obstruction or urinary incontinence. I am seeing her back next week for a recheck. ⁠

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