This is a really interesting, developing, exciting part of what is now available to our profession. 3D printed models allow us to practice our procedures prior to execution on an actual patient.
We use 3D models mainly for angular limb deformities and complex spinal procedures.
Now there is a company that is dedicated to the creation of not only the model itself, but printed drill guides. 3D printed drill guides make surgical execution more accurate, especially if the procedure is complex. So basically, you can send your CT to this company (it is the company founded by the incredible specialist surgeon Dr Bill Oxley, who is a leader in this field) and they will help you plan the procedure and will create and deliver/post you the drill guides. I had read a lot of the literature around 3D drill guides, but it wasn't until science week this year that I learned of this company.

This is the link to the website if anyone else wants to check them out. (pictures for this post obtained from the website)
Let me know if anyone has any experience with them. The feedback from the surgeons I spoke with at Science week was very positive.