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  • Writer's pictureAbbie Tipler


Rusty is a greyhound who I performed a major thoracic wall resection surgery on last week. ⁠

Rusty's surgery, to remove a rib osteosarcoma, involved removing part of 3 ribs in a section of his thoracic wall (chest) that was centred directly over his heart. A latissimus dorsi muscle flap was utilised to rotate into the defect, and close over the heart (described nicely in the Liptak paper if anyone would like a copy) Using an autogenous muscle flap closure has lower complications than using mesh). This procedure went very well. He required a few days recovery in PetICU and developed greyhound vasculitis and limb oedema, however he is now home with his owners and is starting chemo. ⁠

He won all our hearts over during his stay. ⁠

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