Thumpers Paw - a journal publication, and the components to a training programme.

One of the most challenging aspects of a surgical residency, is researching, writing, re-writing, re-writing, re-writing....the journal publications you need for credentialing. The process can take over a year and multiple revisions are usually required, so it should ideally not be left until the last minute.
Luckily for me, Thumper presented to VSS in my first week.
There are multiple other parts to the surgical training programme. A few of these are;
- 5 x presentations at conferences/seminars
- 1 x presentation at an international conference
- 8 weeks of training in related disciplines (anaesthesia, pathology, medicine, radiology)
- 4 weeks of surgical externship at another practice or university
- 400 case log requiring a certain number of cases in various groups e.g. thoracic, orthopaedic, minimally invasive etc
