Female can't do orthopaedics, they said.
This is a picture of one of my first fracture repairs at VSS.

Females make great orthopods, there are just not as many of them! I wonder if part of this is the misconception around 'not having spatial awareness', the conscious or subconscious belief that 'tools are for boys', or if it is just not having enough female orthopaedic role models?
Ignore the preconceptions and believe in yourself.
My advice for anyone interested in orthopaedics is to enrol in the AO basics and AO advanced fracture repair courses. AO is a not-for-profit organisation and membership has helped me immensely, especially access to all sort of webinars when you are a member. There is no other course that compares for fracture assessment and planning in my view. https://aovet.aofoundation.org/
AO also has a solid policy on diversity which is important to me.
p.s. I have no affiliation with AO