Turning our desexing recommendations on their head, finally.
The 2024 World Small Animal Veterinary Association (WSAVA) guidelines, with >800 references cited, are out. Thankfully, they are in complete agreement with what I have been promoting for the last 3-4 years in my talks. Vets, it is probably time we re-examined our recommendations to responsible pet owners in regards desexing age and procedure (I'm not talking about shelters, however I have some ideas for you too, and so do the WSAVA guidelines!).
The link to these guidelines is below. If you would like a summary, you can read my blog post on my website (link also below). If you want an even more concise summary for pet owners, this can be found within my blog post as well (printable for clients, courtesy of VSS). I'm also speaking on this at science week next week (Saturday in the GP Chapter).
In terms of ovary-sparing hysterectomy, my view is that all practices and most shelters should be offering this. Is it a more difficult procedure? Not really, but you do need to know about a couple of technical aspects and it takes slightly longer, so will likely cost the pet owner a little more. This cost may be offset by reducing costs later in life of other health conditions.
Finally - I always get asked what I would do for my own dog. Well today, I performed an ovary-sparing hysterectomy on Toffee-pop. I preserved the left ovary. I took some videos so I can make a video for you that I hope will be useful to my followers. This should be ready to post soon.