Boring definitions you need to know if you are studying (vet students, membership and fellowship candidates). It took me a while to get my head around these, I think because they all sound a bit similar but mean different things (especially when it comes to an exam answer). Aetiology: The cause of the disease Pathogenesis: The development of the disease (including at biochemical, cellular, anatomic and physiologic levels) that causes the structural, functional or clinical manifestation of a disease. Aetiopathogenesis: The cause and the development as per pathogenesis. Pathology: Structural and functional manifestations of the disease or changes in body tissues or organs that are caused by disease. Pathophysiology: Functional changes of normal physiology attributable to a disease or the physiology of the the diseased state. Clinical examination: Observations, ausculation, palpation, percussion, HR/RR/Temp, neuro, ortho and opthalimic exam. Blood pressure can also be considered part of clinical exam. Clinical findings: History, signalment, clinical exam findings, results of lab tests, diagnostic imaging findings, other results of diagnostics. (taken in part from 'Common Terms Used in College Examinations' ANZCVS).
