Vets - be kind to each other:
A common trap all vets fall into (including myself and I am sorry), is the 'why did they....' trap.
'why did they do it like that..?'
'why did they not think of this..?'
'why did they say that to the client..?'
'why did they forget that part..?'
It is empowering to our inner insecure selves to do this - it may inherently mean we know more than someone else. There may also be another answer that we have not thought of e.g. client finances/decision.
As a new graduate, I found these comments destructive, enough to want to give up on my career. I challenge vets who are older and wiser or leaders of the profession, every time we think this, to change our narrative to;
How Can I
'how can I show other vets a better way'
'how can I support the profession'
'how can I teach'
'how can I show patience'
Photo of Dr Kate Toyer and I at ANZCVS Science Week Rainbow Vets stand.