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Antibiotics post TPLO

Writer's picture: Abbie TiplerAbbie Tipler

Should we routinely use antibiotics post TPLO (Tibial Plateau leveling osteotomy)? ⁠

This post fits nicely with a previous post discussing the evidence hierarchy. At the top of the hierarchy is the systematic review. ⁠

and look what we have from 2021...⁠

"Efficacy of postoperative antibiotic use after tibial plateau leveling osteotomy in dogs: A systematic review", by Steven C. Budsberg Vet Surg. ⁠

This review answered the question really quite simply, and the answer is there is insufficient evidence to support the use of antibiotics in the postoperative period (note - this does not include peri-operative IV antibiotics which I use from 60 minute pre-incision, every 90 minutes until procedure completion). ⁠

In light of this evidence, be a good antibiotic steward and do not send patients home on antibiotics. Practice all the other SSI (surgical site infection) prevention strategies - there are many. If you rely on antibiotics, you are likely to just end up creating multi-resistant infections with no lower rate of SSIs in your practice. ⁠

Two other videos you may find useful are;⁠

appropriate use of antibiotics⁠⁠

reducing surgical site infections⁠⁠


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