Incomplete ossification of the humeral condyle (not any more).

This is just a quick update on the aeitiopathogenesis of what is now commonly referred to as humeral intracondylar fissures (HIF). This is something that is typically seen in spaniel breeds, however the French Bulldog are giving them a run for their money. We initially believed that the aetiopath involved a failure in the fusion of the two centres of ossification of the condyle, however there have been reports of CT-imaged dogs with normal humeral condyles subsequently developing fissures. The new hypothesis is based more on a theory of stress fracturing than of the two centres failing to fuse (or there is the possibility both aeitiologies exist). The unanswered question is what causes the stress fractures. One very recent paper suggests it may be due to a focal incongruity at the level of the anconeus (focal cartilage lesions seen arthroscopically in most of the HIF-positive dogs). This could change our approach to the prevention of fractures (dogs with HIF are predisposed to condylar fractures). Prophylactic placement of a transcondylar screws has a traditionally high rate of complications. Should we be performing ulnar osteotomy?.... that is a big un-answered question.